NoDowntime.Domains Celebrates World IPv6 Day
World IPv6 Day was a tech testing and publicity event in 2011 supported and prepared by the Internet Society and a few bigger content providers to test and promote public IPv6 deployment.
Following the good results of the 2011 test day, the Internet Society established a World IPv6 Launch day on June 6, 2012, which instead of testing, expected to provide constant IPv6 deployment for the services and products of the contributors.
IPv6 is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol; it is the communication protocol providing you with an identification and location system for computers on networks and routes traffic across the Internet. IPv6 is created to replace IPv4, which supports around 96% (or 4.3 billion IP addresses) of all worldwide Internet traffic.
Every single device on the Internet has been assigned an IP address for identification and a location description. Because an increasing number of new devices is connecting to the Internet every day, we have a need for more addresses than the IPv4 address space has available.
NoDowntime.Domains celebrates World IPv6 Day along with other large corporations. Following the success of the original World IPv6 Day, the exercise was repeated the following year, but has the plan of leaving IPv6 permanently enabled on all contributing sites. The number of users on Ipv6 is continuing to expand today.