Understanding Service Level Agreements (SLA)
We, at the NoDowntime.Domains, see misunderstandings about SLAs by web hosting users worldwide. We publish articles to demystify some misunderstandings and to better educate people.
A Service Level Agreement explains how and when the web hosting service you pay for is available. SLA explains the percentage, usually 99.9%, of up time for the web hosting service providers. At first, to customers, this doesn’t look like a lot, but after calculating, you may encounter up to 45 minutes downtime per month. This can happen at any time; even when you need service the most. If web hosting companies didn’t use marketing terms, they would say the customer’s web site will be down about 45 minutes per month. In reality, this rate is always higher.
Understanding Service Level Agreements and looking for web hosting providers that can really offer more than 99.9% uptime is a smart choice for every website owner.
You will understand more in detail here: http://www.troyhunt.com/2014/02/the-cloud-never-goes-down-azure-slas.html